The moment you try to apply paint on the uneven walls, the result is really bad as paint never stay on cracked and stained walls. A smooth coat of primer has the capability to turn painting work quite durable and effective. Paints generally do not get properly stick on the surface if a primer is not applied prior to painting. Few of you would know that primer even act as a sealant and can hide those holes and cracks that look quite awful. Most of the painting companies in Sydney make it a point to apply a coat of primer before painting. Neutral colors turn out to be a color option in primers. Latex Primers Now, this is going to be a good friend of your stained and uneven walls. They can safeguard your walls against cracks and is meant to be applied on woods or even on the drywall. Well, with a tight budget, it is a bit difficult to afford it. Primers with Oil Base You will find several options in primer and you need to choose one based upon the surfaces...